1. First I took off the seat.
2. Gave the chair a good cleaning, and lightly sanded it.
3. Spray painted chair
4. took off old yuck dirty fabric
5. Removed pretty much all of the old staples, needle nose pliers were a big help, cause these staples are tough Little rascals.
6. I laid out my fabric and placed cushion on top, and cut out fabric.
7. My master plan was to stencil a M(first letter of my last name) on the seat. I only put a couple of staples in on 2 sides of the chair. Then I slipped in a piece of cardboard between cushion and fabric. That was in case the fabric paint bled through, it would go on the cardboard not the foam.
8. Cut out a stencil on my friend's cricut(Shout out to ASHLEY)
9. Taped stencil to fabric and stenciled away. I just use a cheapy foam stencil brush and go up and down. Can we say...so easy? So easy.
10. Wait for it to dry.
11. A stapling I went. Make sure each side is pulled really really tight, think Joan Rivers face...ahhh yes now you all get it. The corners I wraped like a present and then stapled.
12. Put seat back on chair.
Overall the project was easy. That was my first time reupholstering anything. I had seen it on T.V. like a 1,ooo times, and knew I could do it. What I did learn is do not use gloss spray paint. It just doesn't look good, so I resprayed with satin spray paint, and oh yay, that was what I was looking for. Enjoy the pics, and I will accept questions.LOL
WHOOPS, my before and afters are in the wrong order...sorry, but I don't know how to change it.